Tetrane's BLOG
Success Story - How 0patch uses REVEN to speed up micropatching

0patch delivers miniature patches of code (“micropatches”) to computers and other devices worldwide in order to fix software vulnerabilities in various, even closed source products. After attending a REVEN Lab, they bought REVEN to speed up their RE activities. Recently they wrote a great article on how they used REVEN...
Announcing REVEN version 2.8

Tetrane is pleased to announce the release of REVEN Enterprise and REVEN Professional 2.8. REVEN is an automated Reverse Engineering Platform designed to go x10 faster & x10 deeper using Timeless Analysis. Technically, REVEN captures a time slice of a full system execution (CPU, Memory, Hardware events) to provide unique...
Recording vulnerabilities related to non-deterministic bugs, crashes or other complex cases

To analyze non-deterministic bugs or crashes, one must be able to observe exactly what happens when the problem occurs. This is a notoriously tedious task when working with a debugger or from logs. However with REVEN, once you capture the exact period of time during which the problem happens, then...
Interprocess Use of Uninitialized Memory detection using REVEN
09 Mar 2021
and Louis
Reverse Engineering
Vulnerability Detection
Analysis API

Continuing in the series of vulnerability detection scripts, such as the BoF article and the UAF article, today’s article introduces a notebook to detect uses of uninitialized heap memory in REVEN scenarios. In memory unsafe languages such as C, it is common for variables to start their life uninitialized. Some...
Who corrupted the data! Get a fast and precise answer with the taint

In vulnerability analysis a frequent question that needs answering is: “who corrupted this data?”. Timeless Debugging and Analysis (TDnA) systems like REVEN can provide fast and accurate answers to this particular question. For example, the Memory History feature of REVEN allows to see the entire list of accesses to a...
REVEN OpenLab - Feb 18th, 2021

Join us on February 18th for an Open Lab where you will analyze 2 recent CVEs using REVEN Timeless Analysis and Debugging Platform. After a short introduction, you will take the driving seat (each participant gets her/his own REVEN instance) to analyze: A program crash CVE-2020-16898: Microsoft Windows TCP/IP Remote...
Detecting Buffer-Overflow vulnerabilities using REVEN
11 Feb 2021
Reverse Engineering
Vulnerability Detection
Analysis API

The REVEN Buffer-Overflow (BoF) detection capability is built on the top of the Use-after-Free (UaF) script. Therefore, it is best to read the UaF article before this one. We will explain how the UaF detection Jupyter notebook led us to develop a Buffer-Overflow detection Jupyter notebook (available on Github) and...
Finding uses of cryptographic functions and the data encrypted by an application

How to find cryptography implemented by an application in a REVEN trace? Let’s explore two ways of doing so! Looking for known symbol calls REVEN provides several features related to symbol calls: The symbol search feature allows you to look throughout the entire trace to find calls to a specific...
HITBCyberWeek 2020 REVEN Lab replay

In November 2020, Tetrane presented a remote technical hands-on lab at HITB CyberWeek about timeless debugging and analysis. We are sharing the recording of the lab as it’s a good opportunity to discover the dynamic approach of REVEN: the type of questions a trace can provide answers to, how to...
Announcing REVEN version 2.7

Tetrane is pleased to announce the release of REVEN Enterprise and REVEN Professional 2.7. REVEN is an automated Reverse Engineering Platform designed to go x10 faster & x10 deeper using Timeless Analysis. Technically, REVEN captures a time slice of a full system execution (CPU, Memory, Hardware events) to provide unique...
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